I am a follower of Robert Kiyosaki's philosophy when it comes to finances. I will be working from that prospective and you can find out more about that at Rich Dad (www.richdad.com). I have no connection, or receive any compensation from his company nor do I work for it or him. His and his wife's (www.richwoman.com) philosophy have changed my financial life and I wanted to give back to the community as a way of thanking him. Some of his philosophy includes:
1. The rich don't work for money.
- They work to build/buy assets so that money works for them instead.
- RK's definition - Assets put money in your pocket. Liabilities take money out.
- Buy your dodads with cash flow from your assets.
- Wealth is measured in time and not in money - he got that from Bucky Fuller.
- Depending on a job for financial stability in this day and age is risky.
2. Financial literacy is important.
- A financial statement is as important for a person as it is for a business.
- The cash flow pattern in a financial statement of the rich, middle-class, and poor differ and are very recognizable.
- The three piggy banks - "I Invest", "I Save" and "I Give".
- It is not how much money you make but how much money you keep.
- The rich buy assets, the middle-class and poor acquire liabilities.
- The cash flow of an asset and the cash flow of a liability differ.
- A financial statement tells a story.
- Money doesn't solve money problems.
- Your house is not an asset but your mortgage company's asset.
3. Mind your own business.
- One way to acquire assets is to build a business.
- He defines a "business" as one you can walk away from for a year and come back and having it working as well or better.
- A business is a system and leverages other people's time.
- Your profession is different than your business.
- Most of the rich made their money in business or real estate.
4. The History and Power of the Corporation.
- There are tax advantages to incorporate.
- There are legal liability advantages in incorporation.
5. The rich invent money.
- An example: building a company and taking it public.
- Another example: Buying 200 acres, dividing it into 4 parcels and selling 3 to pay for the original 200 acres.
6. Work to learn - don't work for money.
- Pick those jobs where the knowledge you gain can be used in a business you start.
- Most people need only a couple of additional skills to be great.
- Get to know a little about a lot.
- Learning is more important than security.
- For a business sales and leadership are very important.
With these concepts in mind my intention is to create a place where we can work together to create and help each other create a personal financial cashflow statement on the road to financial freedom, that is being secure, comfortable and rich.